What I Stand For
Border Security & Enforcing Legal Immigration
Fixing Our Economy, Support Local Business and Keeping Our Manufacturing Jobs in America
Reducing Size & Reach of the Government
Energy Independence, Protecting Our Farmlands, Reducing Regulations on Agriculture and Small Business & Keeping Companies in America
Protecting Our Communities from Crime and Lawlessness, Fight Human Trafficking & Eradicating Child Trafficking and Abuse
Lowering Taxes, Supporting Small Business & Creating Jobs
Focus on American Citizens, Their Quality of Life & Their Issues at Hand
School Choice, Limiting Teachers Union Overreach & Incentivizing Apprenticeships and Trade Programs
Funding and Supporting Pregnancy Crises Centers, as well as Resources for Mother’s and Struggling Families, Incentivize Adoption & Protecting the Heartbeat Bill
Support Our Military, Police, Veterans & First Responder's
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